

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Champagne Post.

My darling readers, you're all probably wondering "where in the world is Sparkle & Pop?" Well, the past few weeks have been a whirlwind, so I think it's time to have a little rendezvous and tell you what's been happening lately. 

Inspired by a few bloggers I follow, I'm adding a little weekly 'catch-up date' installment to the blog to keep you posted on life currently. Two folks who set the tone for doing this well, are my cousin Gina over at Popcorn and Pandas and the darling Ashlyn at Let it Be Beautiful. Following suit, I'm going to discuss anything from what I'm listening to, where I'm traveling to, what clothes I'm lusting over to what products I'm using.

So, with that said, welcome to the very first Champagne Post!

// Feeling // Thankful. Very, very thankful. My husband had knee surgery a few weeks ago and I'm happy to say the surgery went well and he is doing great. Time and patience are key, but he is on the road to recovery! You might have noticed this coincides with my lack of posting and outfits. I promise, my photographer will be clicking away very soon!

// Traveling // 
My husband and I traveled north to San Francisco this past weekend and had a lovely time exploring the city, catching up with friends, and even spending time with our New York cousins who made the trek to the right coast for work. The city is full of trendy and inventive restaurants, many of which were right up our foodie alley. We even had time to see the Golden Gate Bridge, a first for me. If only I had run into one of the handsome cast members from HBO's Looking, then it would have been perfect. 

// Shopping // I've been stalking Old Navy on the regular, anxiously waiting for them to come out with more patterns in their perfect Pixie Skinny Ankle pants. (Remember the black tuxedo stripe pants I styled not too long ago?) low and behold, new patterns AND a sale. Just my luck! If you hop in stores now, they are selling them for only $25 and you also get to take home and white crew neck basic tee. It doesn't get any better than that, folks!

// Eating // Or rather, lack there of. I made the decision to drop bread and flour products all together for Lent. I'll admit to my delicious multigrain toast, yogurt and berries for breakfast, a slice of pizza once in a while, and even a hearty bowl of pasta on occasion. I certainly don't binge on bread, but it's easy to quickly rack up your servings. So, peace out yummy bread, we are breaking up.

// Reading // After finishing the emotional and rather compelling memoir, Unremarried Widow, I'm on the hunt for another great read. If you have any book titles you want to throw my way, please do! My iBooks needs it's shelves stocked!

// Wearing // I can not stop wearing my denim jacket! I recently scored a brand new (Seriously! Not worn at all, still tags on it!) Old Navy denim jacket for $8.00 at Plato's Closet. It's been my favorite jacket to style with and it's prefect for the local weather. Invest! Denim is all the rage people. 


  1. Our book club just read The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty and it was so good!

  2. Thanks for the shout out! Looking forward to more Champagne Posts! :-)



